購物須知 Shopping Notice
1. 本公司為免開統一發票之商家,不提供發票,需要索取收據請於訂單中備註告知抬頭統編。
2. 布料為手工剪裁,無法100%完美,可能有 ± 3cm 差距屬正常現象,請見諒。
3. 商品圖顏色因電腦螢幕顯示會略有不同,以實際商品顏色為準。
4. 因布料商品屬性特殊,購買前請確認用布量,一經裁剪恕不退換。
5. 訂單若為現貨,將於3個工作天內出貨(不含假日),若有缺貨將與您電話聯繫。
6. 布料以碼為單位,一碼以上若不裁斷請於下單時備註告知,否則一律1碼裁斷出貨。
◆ 訂單變更:如變更訂單內容,例: 加購/取消商品、更改款式、顏色..等,請在訂單中留言,勿先行付款,如已付款將會電話與您聯繫,不足需補差額才能出貨,若申請退款則扣除30元手續費後匯出。
◆ 購物金:購物金折抵上限為5%。新加會員及首次購物可獲100元購物金,3個月內需使用完畢。(加入布學FB社團會有不定期購物金活動)
Dear Customers,
Please make sure you had read the following reminders before continue shopping.
1. We do not provide local invoice for oversea customers unless it's a wholesales business.
2. All the fabric are hand-cuted, which can't be 100% perfect straight.
3. Please award that color shading happens between screens, which is not avoidable.
4. We do not provide boxes for the order that's longer than 1 yard.
◆ Pre-order:If the product that you had purchase shows "pre-order" means it will not be send within 2-3 days, and normally it takes about 20-30 days.
◆ Change Order:If you want to change your order, please cancel it and re-order one.
◆ Reward Points:The maximum amount you can redeem is the 5% of the order.